This is an animation of a raptor idle. In the idle the raptor moves up on it's leg in order to get a better view of it's souroundings.
One of my first ideas for this animation was to make it sniff the air, as if smelling for a prey or something alike. However I felt that the sniffing movement both made the head rather robotic and stiff looking, while alos making the raptor feel more like a dog. Which wasn't what I wanted. Because of this I instead decided to delete the sniff and instead focus more on having it looking around, being curious about it's surrounding, before getting down into it's natural pose.
This is an animation of a raptor run.
This animation turned out to be quite the rollercoaster. Finding suitable references for it wasn't the easiest of tasks, but in the end I setled on using Jurassic Park as a one of my biggest references for the animation.
This was one of the first creature animations I have ever done and so figuring out how the different body parts of this creature is supposed to move around was rather difficult. In the end however, I do feel that I managed to figure some of it out and this, is the end result.